Monday, June 29, 2020

few of the great benefits our fully managed WiFi solution offers

Fully managed, a gift is a helpful way to give WiFi guests to your customers and your fund. Here are a few of the great benefits our fully managed WiFi solution offers:

Advanced design

The main thing for any hosted WiFi implementation is coverage. Finally, a WiFi solution that gets inconsistent coverage at a slow speed is a recipe for unhappy customers.

Managed Solution covers all aspects of advanced design. Our team will visit your site to better understand and analyze your pre-installation requirements, test the wall density, check for potential requirements and conduct wireless surveys to ensure that the installation delivers incredible consistent results day after day day.

Helpless configuration

Once installed, we provide customers with a pre-configured cloud management router that is accessible from anywhere and anytime.

It enables our customers, along with members of our support team, to manage all aspects of the hosted WiFi experience from a simple but powerful central hub. You will also receive detailed reports on the performance of your network.

24/7 support

Nothing under the sun is perfect, but with our 24/7 monitoring, support and assistance it will certainly be so.

It starts with 24-7 cloud-based monitoring of your network and is supported by our highly experienced Customer Support Team. We are there when you are in need, and with the help of deliberate hours, no matter how big or small it may be.

We are aware of the importance of a fast, fully functioning wireless Internet to the success of modern businesses, so we do not expect any help if you need all the work done within SLAs previously, for convenience. mind.

Automatic security

Security is essential in a world where hacks and attacks are common on the Internet. To this end we provide Web Shield, our internal security system. Shield Network is constantly updated with the latest security measures, and looks for any vulnerabilities that may appear from your system for advanced malware protection.

It is an essential source for business customers and an essential source of peace for all guests, quietly and efficiently providing our upland network.

To find out more about our fully managed WiFi services & hosting solution, contact us today and find out how we can help bring great WiFi to your customers.

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